Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,中国知识产权法院建立的背景、进展,Background of Chinas intellectual property courts establishment and progress,广州知识产权法院副院长,林广海,Lin Guanghai,Chief Judge of Guangdongs IP court,联系方式:,email:,一、建立知识产权法院的背景,.,The background of the establishement of Chinas intellecutal property courts,二、建立知识产权法院的目标,.The purpose of the establishement of Chinas intellectual property courts,三、建立知识产权法院的进程,.The progress of the establishement of Chinas intellectual property courts,一、建立知识产权法院的背景,.The background of the establishement of Chinas intellecutual property courts,1,、正确实施中国特色社会主义法律体系的需要;,1.The need for proper implementation of the legal system of socialism with Chinese characteristics;,2、推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的需要;,2.,The need for promoting modernization of national governance system and governance ability;,3、建设创新型国家树立负责任大国形象的需要;,3.,The need for building an image of a responsible big power as an innovative country;,4、保障知识产权价值引领实体财产价值的需要;,4.,The need for guaranteeing that the value of intellectual property leads that of entities;,二、建立知识产权法院的目,标,.,The purpose of the establishement of Chinas intellectual property courts,1,、,加强知识产权保护力度;,1.To strengthen the protection of intellectual property,2、统一知识产权裁判标准;,2.To uniform the referee standard of intellectual property;,3、提高知识产权审判效率;,3.To improve the efficiency of intellectual property trail;,4、发挥司法保护主导作用;,4.To make the most of the leading role of judicial protection;,三、建立知识产权法院的进程,.,The progress of the establishement of Chinas intellectual property courts,1.试点期情况:,1.The situation of pilot phase:,北京知识产权法院的建立,The establishment of Beijing Intellectual Property Court,上海知识产权法院的建立,The establishment of Shanghai Intellectual Property Court,广州知识产权法院的建立,The establishment of Guangzhou Intellectual Property Court,2、试点后展望:,2.The outlook of post-pilot phase:,关于知识产权法院的纵向体系,On vertical system of intellectual property courts,关于知识产权法院的横向体系,On horizontal system of intellectual property courts,关于知识产权法院的纵横关系,On the vertical and horizontal relationship of intellectual property courts,