单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,?国际关系概论?第六节 国际战争与和平,Walkingeconomy.活經濟,A guy is walking down the street with his friend.He says to his friend,Im a walking economy.,His friend replies,Hows that?,Its like this-my hair line is in recession,my stomach is a victim of inflation,and the combination of these factors is putting me into a deep depression.,Key words:,recessionn.髮後往後退,表示越來越禿;原意是经济不景气、衰退;inflationn.膨脹;factorn.因素;deep depression大蕭條,有些人知識淵博,一問三知,便稱他活字典walking dictionary,Recovery(n.)复苏;prosperity(n.)兴旺,Lesson in logic.邏輯課,A fourth-grade teacher was giving her pupils a lesson in logic.,Here is the situation,she said.A man is standing up in a boat in the middle of a river,fishing.He loses his balance,falls in,and begins splashing and yelling for help.His wife hears the commotion,knows he cant swim,and runs down to the bank.Why do you think she ran to the bank?,A girl raised her hand and asked,To withdraw all his money from his savingsaccount?,Key words:,fourth-graden.四年級;pupiln.小學生;lose balance失去平衡;commotionn.混亂、騷動聲;withdrawv.領錢;savings accountn.存款帳戶,bank 有兩個意思:河岸,本节主要内容,一、国际战争,二、国际和平主义运动,Presentations sample 2:冷战、遏制、威慑与历史终结论,1、Backgrounds:Cold war,The 42-year(1949-1991)rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union,as well as their competing coalitions,which sought to contain each others expansion and win worldwide predominance.,2、Containment:,a strategy to prevent a great power rival from using force to alter the balance of power and increase its sphere of influence.,3、Extended deterrence:,a great powers commitment to its allies to use its military might to prevent them from being attacked by an enemy.,4、End of history:,Francis fukuyamas thesis that the philosophy of economic and political liberalism has triumphed throughout the world,ending the contest between market democracies and centrally planned governance.,5、my opinions(comments),The collapse of soviet union and its block do not mean that the history of the rivalry of great powers end,and it just means,一、国际战争,一国际战争定义,人类集团之间使用军事技术进行大规模相互屠杀的行为。直接相关的军事人员死亡少于1000人的武装冲突不被认为是战争瑞典斯德哥尔摩国际和平研究所,War:the most severe form of military conflict().,War:a condition arising within states(civil war)or between states(interstate war)when actors use violent means to destroy their opponents or coerce them into submission;armed Conflict:combat between the military forces of two or more states or groups().,二战争的性质,战争同时是目的、手段和状态,毛泽东:“战争是政治的最高表现形式。,克劳塞维茨?战争论?:“战争不仅是一种政治行为,而且是一种真正的政治工具,是政治通过另一种手段的延续。,战争的正义性,Just war tradition:a set of principles that identify the circumstances justifying the resort to war and,once begun,the requirements for just conduct.,Just war:the theory popularized in the Middle Ages that identifies the conditions under which it is morally permissible,or just,for a state to go to war and the methods by which a just war may be fought.,三国际战争的起因,1、个人层次的解释,领导人好战本性两次海湾战争;,决策者对对方意图的误判一战;,普通民众的本性民众推动精英走向战争,美西战争;,2、国家或组织层次的解释,政治制度民主和平论、帝国主义论;,国内政治、替罪羊转移视线理论英、阿马岛争端;,控制重要生产资料或资源激进主义者,海湾战争?;,种族、民族运动科索沃战争;,Diversionary theory of war转移视线理论:the hypothesis that leaders initiate conflict abroad as a way of increasing their citizens approval of them and national cohesion at home.,三国际战争的起因,3、国际体系层次的解释,新现实主义Kenneth Waltz:,无政府状态 平安困境 国际战争,权力转移理论Kenneth Organski:普法战争、日俄战争、两次世界大战;,战争与和平的长周期理论William Thompson:,经济开展速度不平衡 国家权力分配变化,国际战争,马克思主义:资本主义国际体系中固有的扩张动力,国际战争,Power transition权力转移理论:,a narrowing of the ratio of military capabilities between great-power rivals that is thought to increase the probability of war between.,Security Dilemma平安困境两难:,the central problem faced by all sovereign states in an anarchic global system in which one states arming for ostensibly defensive purposes provokes other threatened states to arm in response,with the result that the national security of all declines as their armaments increase().,Security Dilemma:,the tendency of states to view the defensive arming of adversaries as threatening,and when they arm in response,everyones security declines(.).,(三)主要战争类别,1、全面战争,主要大国悉数参加,意在征服和占领对方领土。,全面战争过程中,交战各方可以使用各种武器,可以攻击军用和民用目标。例如:,三十年战争1618-1648;,西班牙王位继承战争1701-1714;,拿破仑战争、一战、二战;,2、有限战争,有限战争的目的通常是在特定领土上击败敌人,实现某种政治目的,但并不以占领对方领土为目的。使用的武器种类有限,而且一般不攻击对方民用目标。例如:,朝鲜战争1950-1953;,越南战争1960s-1970s;,两次海湾战争;,波黑战争和科索沃战争;,阿富汗战争,3、内战,国家内部不同政治派别或团体为控制领土、建立政权等政治诉求而展开的战争。内战的影响经常会延伸到国外,因而成为国际事件。,美国内战1861-1865;,苏联内战1917-1919;,中国内战1927-1949;,非洲内战:科特迪瓦、利比里亚、塞拉利昂,Ethnic warfare种族战争:violence resulting from wars between two or more ethnic groups or from state-sponsored violence to terrorize or destroy an ethnic minority.,4、非对称战争,力量强弱非常悬殊的国家之间发生的战争。弱小的一方往往利用自身的独特优势游击战、恐怖主义、地形气候优势等、大国支持等或对方的弱点取胜。例如:,阿尔及利亚战争;,越南战争;,阿富汗战争,5、恐怖主义,一种特殊形式的非对称战争。恐怖主义一般包括四个主要要素:,1预谋:事先制造恐怖感;,2动机:政治独立、报复、解救人质、削弱政府影响,3实施对象:通常是非军事人员;,4以隐秘方式进行:秘密团体实施或资助。,Terrorism:shocking acts of violence in which the principal purpose is not destruction itself,but their dramatic and psychological effects on populations and governments().,Terrorism:premeditated politically motivated violence perpetrated agai