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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,The lifetime of a dognamed Quill,可鲁诞生,-,它是一只可爱的小公狗,The birth of Quill,:,It is a cute little male dog,它一出生身上就带有一块罕见的黑色印记,好象海鸥飞翔时张开的羽毛,这仿佛预示了可鲁不平凡的一生,It was born with a rare black mark on his body,as if the feathers when the seagull(,海鸥,),is flying,which seems to indicate the extraordinary life of,Quill,可鲁和兄弟姐妹,Quill with his brothers and sisters,可鲁性格内向,从不与兄弟们打打闹闹,总是一付我行我素的样子,;,它最爱待的地方是沙发底下,就喜欢在狭小的地方香香地,沉沉地睡觉,He is Introverted,and never,fight with his brothers,always goes on its own way;His favorite place is to be under the sofa,he would like the narrow place,then fell into a deep sleep.,可鲁的主人希望五只小狗中的一只能成为导盲犬,最后挑中了性格沉稳的可鲁,The owner of quill hope that one in five dogs can be a guide dog,at last he pick the calm-personality dog-Quill,可鲁在养父母家开始了它快乐的童年生活,He began the happy childhood at the home of his adoptive parents,出生刚,45,天的可鲁离开了亲人,被送到养父母家开始寄养生活,这是为了培养小狗对人的信任,.,它将在这里生活到一岁,.Born just 45 days,Quill left the family,was sent to foster parents,began to live at home,which is to train him trust on people.He will live here till one year old.,最喜欢的散步路线是家附近的小河边,在院子里狂奔然后越过窗台,是可鲁最钟情的游戏,最爱的还是睡觉,春天来了,阳光晒在身上暖融融的,但是,快乐的时光总是短暂的,可鲁一岁了,However,a good time is always short,Quill is one year old.,开始训练了。,Training started,服从训练,指向训练,寻找台阶,His master works in the Association of the Blind-Mr.Watanabe,he is a very stubbo,r,n man,didnt like dog,可鲁的主人是在盲人协会工作的渡边先生,他是一个不太喜欢狗的固执的人,可鲁忠实地履行导盲犬的任务,总是和主人形影不离,渡边先生渐渐改变了自己对导盲犬的认识,他们成为了亲密的伙伴,Quill faithfully fulfills the task as a guide dog,and always with his owner,Mr.Watanabe gradually changed his understanding of the guide dogs,they become close partners,老年的可鲁,oldaged Quill,没想到回到家刚过了一年,可鲁的身体就越来越衰弱了,.,在它刚过完,12,岁生日,2,天后,它终于病倒了,医生诊断为白血病,.,在可鲁弥留之际,它的养父母和家里的一只黄金猎犬至始至终守护着它,弥留之际的可鲁骨瘦如柴,养父母不停地抚摸着可鲁渐渐衰竭的身体,Adoptive parents kept touching the gradually weakened body of Quill,享年,12,岁零,25,天,.,可鲁露出像它小时候那样的安稳表情,望着养父母的脸,静静地离开了这个世界,.,当天晚上,可鲁被安置在客厅的中央,四人,度过了最后一个夜晚,.,第二天,可鲁就和灵柩里的花瓣一起化成了灰烬,.,可鲁的养父母和叫范德西的黄金猎犬静静地守护着可鲁,再见了,可鲁。,再见了,可鲁,再见了,




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