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,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,1,Unit 3,Coherence in interpreting,Coherence:,On the basis of a situation commonly known to both the addressor and the addressee,logical reasoning is used to reach semantic coherence.,It is the,intangible,network that weaves the text as a logical whole.,It is an important feature of discourse.,2,Cohesion vs.Coherence,Cohesion refers to the linguistic devices by which the speaker can signal the experiential and interpersonal coherence of the text,and is thus a textual phenomenon,.,Coherence,on the other hand,is in the mind of writer and reader:it is a mental phenomenon and cannot be identified and qualified in the same way as cohesion.,(Thompson,1996:7,Introducing Functional Grammar,),3,Coherence 3 Types,1),Morphemic Coherence(,词素连贯),词素连贯不仅要求词素与词素之间能构成有效的形式和语义连贯,而且还要求这一语义连贯能同原文概念所指的实物、行为或特征之间构成有效的语义关联。,4,Coherence 3 Types,2)Inter-words Coherence(词际连贯),词际连贯,即小句之内词与词之间的搭配,不仅要求它们之间能构成有效的形式连贯,而且要求这一连贯能同原文概念所指的实物、行为或特征之间构成有效的语义关联。,词际连贯受制于语法规那么语义规那么和语义规那么。,5,Coherence 3 Types,3),Inter-sentences Coherence,(,句际连贯),句际连贯指(小)句与(小)句之间的连贯,要求它们之间不仅要有结构上的连接,而且还要有深层的语义和语用关联,也就是说要文通理顺。句际连贯的范围可以是邻近句之间的近距连贯,也可以是非邻近句的远距连贯,乃至跨章跨节的超远距连贯。,6,Exercise,Work in groups and study some paragraphs taken from an essay.Can you arrange the paragraphs back into a complete essay?,Tourism,problems and solutions,7,Coherence A Major Problem,This relates to:,Subjectivity vs.Objectivity,Man vs.Nature,8,Another Point:Repetition,Chinese:curved way of thinking,round-about,repetitive,English:linear way of thinking,straightforward,non-repetitive,9,Example Analysis,Mayor Zhang Guangning,s speech at the Joint Press Conference of the OCA and Guangzhou Asian Games Bid Committee,10,One More Example,这个问题啊,在广东来讲,要惩治腐败,要建设廉洁的政府,这个和全国的任务是一样的。我认为,并不因为广东省是处在我们国家的边缘或者在门口而更严重一些。我不认为这样。但是呢,我认为我们决不能少看这项工作。这要两方面来看,情况并不认为我们这里一定那么严重,但这项工作我们和全国一样都在重视。,11,One More Example,We are doing the same task as the rest of China of punishing corruption and building a clean and upright government.I do not believe the problem in this province is more serious than other parts of China although we are the gateway of China,and but,we would never slacken our efforts.And in fact,we should pay due attention to the settlement of such problem,12,Exercise,We are going to listen to a very incoherent speech.While you listen,take some notes.You will be asked to reproduce the text based on your understanding and reorganization of it.,13,Examples Analysis,Opportunities brought about by globalization can only be grasped by people.People talking to each other,exchanging ideas and experiences.And that is,what we are here today to do,.,全球化带来的机遇必须由人来把握:人们之间相互交谈、交流看法和经验。我们今天济济一堂,就是要相互交谈、交流看法,把握机遇。,14,Examples Analysis,As the formulation of macro-economic policies of the major developed countries and the policy coordination among them have critical and extensive impact on developing countries,the interests of the latter must be taken into full consideration.,主要兴旺国家宏观经济政策的制定和兴旺国家之间的政策协调,对开展中国家有着重大和广泛的影响,必须充分顾及开展中国家的利益。,15,Examples Analysis,The current slump has to date been,a severe one,in England as a whole,but,things are worse,in,the north,and worst around Newcastle.,对整个英格兰来说,这次经济衰退是一次很严重的衰退;英格兰北部的情况更坏,而在纽卡斯尔一带,情况最为糟糕。,16,Examples Analysis,We advocate more majority voting in the Council and encourage governments to use their veto only in exceptional cases and then to produce a detailed explanation why they,had done so,.,我们主张在理事会内更多采用多数表决方法,鼓励各国政府只在异常情况下行使否决权,而且,要作出详细解释,说明为什么行使否决权。,17,Examples Analysis,任何人不得将个人利益置于国家利益和社会利益之上。,Nobody shall place his own interests above,those,of the state and the society.,18,Examples Analysis,南北问题锋利地摆在我们的面前,解决开展问题与解决和平问题同等迫切重要。,The North-South relations have become an acute issue.To seek development and peace are equally urgent and important tasks.,19,Examples Analysis,由于霸权主义的做法和强权政治的使用是国际形势动乱的根源,中国反对霸权主义和强权政治。,China is opposed to hegemonism and power politics,which,are the root cause of turmoil in the international situation.,20,Examples Analysis,中国一贯主张裁军,反对一切军备竞赛,既反对常规军备竞赛,更反对核军备竞赛;既反对地面上的军备竞赛,也反对在太空进行的军备竞赛。,China consistently stands for disarmament and is opposed to all kinds of arms race,whether it is conventional or nuclear,on the ground or in outer space.,21,Examples Analysis,兴旺国家中多数国家不愿意战争,其中包括西欧和东欧国家。这些国家经历过两次世界大战,自然它们的政府和人民都希望和平。,Most of the developed countries,including those in both Western and Eastern Europe,oppose war.Their governments and peoples hope for peace because of their experiences in the two previous world wars.,22,Examples Analysis,近年来亚太地区的合作和开展越来越引人注目。确实,亚太地区的经济开展迅速、潜力巨大。,Cooperation and development in the Asia-Pacific region have attracted more and more attention in recent years.This region is indeed making rapid economic progress and has tremendous potentials.,23,Examples Analysis,美国当局和台湾领导人的会晤不是一件平常的小事。对这样一个严重事情,想要大事化小、小事化了,是绝对不行的。,The meeting between U.S.government officials with the Taiwan authority is by no means a trivial matter.,To minimize the serious consequence,of such a ma




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