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,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,The Pursuit of Happ,i,ness,The Pursuit of Happiness,Discussion:,In your opinion,what is happiness?,What are we supposed to do to pursue happiness?,Discussion:,2,殡葬服务中心主任先进事迹材料参考心主任先进事迹材料,迎接生命的职业总是受到感激和欢迎的,因为一个新生命的,降生总是伴着希望与喜悦。而为生命送行的职业却总与噩耗与悲伤,相连。就是在这个让人“敬”而“远”之的行业,我市殡仪服务,心主任*同志却用一个共产党员的赤诚胸怀,冲破世俗偏见,毅然,投身殡葬事业,一干就是10个年头,为推进我市殡葬事业作出了积,极的贡献。,冲破世俗偏见,毅然投身殡葬事业,1996年,我市正式成立*市殡葬工作管理所,担负管理全市的殡葬管理工作任务,市殡葬工作管理所刚成立时,需招收一批殡,葬工人。当时做个体生意的*二话没说就报了名。后经组织考核,他被录用了。得知*报名从事殡葬工作,亲朋好友纷纷劝他不要从,事这份“低等”的职业。然而铁了心的*却不顾亲戚和朋友的反对,冲破世俗偏见,毅然投身殡葬事业。,主动请缨,默默战斗在殡葬第一线,从事殡葬事业,更大的压力还在于殡葬工作本身。20 xx年初,我市在xxxx兴建殡仪馆,殡仪馆建在远离沙坪的荒山野岭,为尽,快理顺和拓展业务,*同志主动请缨,到殡葬一线去工作。他身兼,车队长,夜晚常常一个人当班到凌晨一两点,工作环境的陌生,殡葬服务中心主任先进事迹材料参考心主任先进事迹材料,3,The Pursuit of Happyness,Chris Gardner has invested heavily in a medical machine,but failed.,The Pursuit of Happ,i,ness,The Pursuit of Happyness Ch,4,The Pursuit of Happ,i,ness,H,is wife,Linda,left him and their 5-year-old son,Christopher,because of,life pressure.,Chirs became a single father.,The Pursuit of Happiness Hi,5,The Pursuit of Happ,i,ness,Determined to make a better life for his son,Chris was desperate to find a,well-paid,job.,The Pursuit of HappinessDeterm,6,The Pursuit of Happ,i,ness,With his great efforts,Christ won a six-month internship,but there was no pay at all.So on one hand,Christ had to work hard to make a living;on the other hand,he had to fight for his intern work,since only one of the twenty interns would succeed finally.,The Pursuit of Happiness With,7,Period 1,Now lets enjoy two clips of the movie and learn some new expressions in the lines.,Period 1 Now lets enjoy t,8,Period 1,Period 1,Period 1 Period 1,9,Period 2,Period 2,10,The Pursuit of Happ,i,ness-,Classic lines,Lets study some expressions.,1.You,wanna,go play some basketball?,2.were,gonna,go sell a bone-density scanner.,3.,Im going pro.,4.You got a dream.you,gotta,protect it.,5.If you want something,go get it.,The Pursuit of Happiness-Cla,11,The Pursuit of Happ,i,ness-,Classic lines,You got a dream,you gotta protect it.,You want something.Go get it,!,Dont ever let somebody tell you,you cant do,something,not even me.,The Pursuit of Happiness-Cla,12,Act it out.,Let us dub the movie.,1.We should pay attention to the expressions and emotions of the characters.,2.We should also pay attention to the stress(,重音,)and intonation(,语调,)of the lines,。,3.Practice the lines with your partner.,4.Act it out.,Act it out.Let us dub the mov,13,Period 1,Period 1,Period 1 Period 1,14,Period 2,Period 2,15,Discussion:,1.Please use some words to describe the father.,2.What does happiness mean to him?,3.,What do you think the ending of the film is?,The Pursuit of,Happiness,Discussion:The Pursuit of Hap,16,The Pursuit of,Happiness,Finally he made,a,success with his amazing willpower.,The Pursuit of HappinessFinall,17,The Pursuit of,Happiness,This movie does inspire me a lot.What impressed me is Chriss firm faith to life.,The Pursuit of Happiness T,18,Homework.,1.Watch the whole movie.,2.Write an English essay to make comments on the film.,3.Give your parents a hug and say I love you to them.,Homework.,19,




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