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正文级别 1文级别 2,正文级别 3,正文级别 4,正文级别 5,标题文本,选择性必修二,Unit 6 The media(3),高二年级 英语,选择性必修二 Unit 6 The media(3),1,Questions about media,Listening,2,Activate and share,How has the Internet changed our life?,How does the Internet influence the media?,Activate and shareHow has the,3,Listen for understanding,Listen to the programme and write down the questions the presenter collected for the professor,and the answers given by the professor,.,Listen for understandingListen,4,Listen for understanding,Three questions:,Do you think the Internet has affected traditional media,news,for example?,How has it changed the way we use language?,Do you think we will still read newspapers in the future?,Listen for understandingThree,5,Listen for understanding,Listen to the programme and write down,the answers given by the professor,.,Listen for understandingListen,6,Listen for understanding,Write down Professor Jessops answers.,Do you think the Internet has affected traditional media,news,for example?,Well,yes,absolutely.The Internet has made a great impact on,how news is produced.,Listen for understandingWrite,7,Listen for understanding,Listen to the programme again and write down Professor Jessops answers.,2.How has it changed the way we use language today?,Well,obviously the Internet has introduced a lot of new words,to our language,such as the world microblogging.,Listen for understandingListen,8,Listen for understanding,Listen to the programme again and write down Professor Jessops answers.,3.Do you think we will still read newspapers in the future?,In my opinion,newspaper business will find it much harder,to survive in the future.,Listen for understandingListen,9,Group the answers,Listen to the programme again and read the 11 statements on Page 56 of your book.Group the professors answers for each question.,Group the answersListen to the,10,Answers to Question 1:,b.Make a recording of a high-definition video of an event,and,upload it to the Internet by smartphones.,g.Big media corporations are being cut out.,h.Anyone can decide what is news.,j.,The Internet has made a great impact on how news is,produced.,Group the answers,Answers to Question 1:Group th,11,Answers to Question 2:,c.The Internet has introduced a lot of new words to our language.,d.,The word“microblogging”did not exist before the Internet.,e.Every article has readers comments below it and anyone can,express what they think.,k.I believe the Internet has made media more,interactive.,Group the answers,Answers to Question 2:Group th,12,Answers to Question 3:,a.Fewer people and companies chose,to advertise in the,newspaper.,f.In my opinion,newspaper businesses will find it much harder to survive in the future.,i.Most countries have seen a drop in newspaper sales.,Group the answers,Answers to Question 3:Group th,13,Read the 11 statements on Page 56 of your book again.Decide whether Professor,Jessops answers are facts(F)or opinions(O)before each statement.,Identifying facts from opinions,Read the 11 statements on Page,14,Identifying facts from opinions,()a.Fewer people and companies chose to advertise in the,newspaper.,()b.Make a recording of a high-definition video of an event,and upload it to the Internet by smartphones.,()c.The Internet has introduced a lot of new words to our,language.,F,F,F,Identifying facts from opinion,15,Identifying facts from opinions,()d.The word“microblogging”did not exist before the Internet.,()e.Every article has readers comments below it and anyone,can express what they think.,()g.Big media corporations are being cut out.,()h.Anyone can decide what is news.,F,F,F,F,Identifying facts from opinion,16,Identifying facts from opinions,()i.Most countries have seen a drop in newspaper sales.,()f.In my opinion,newspaper businesses will find it much,harder to survive in the future.,()j.The Internet has made a great impact on how news is,produced.,()k.I believe the Internet has made media more,interactive.,F,O,O,O,Identifying facts from opinion,17,Do you agree with Professor Jessops answers?Why or why not?,What other opinions can you add to the answers?What are the supporting facts?,Think and share,Do you agree with Professor Je,18,Listen to two people talking about how people followed the news 30 years ago.Answer the questions.,1.What would families do in the evening?,2.How would they get the news?,3.Why did they do so?,Focus on function,Listen to two people talking a,19,Listen to two people talking about how people followed the news 30 years ago.Answer the questions.,1.What would families do in the evening?,After dinner,families would gather around the television,and watch news from 7 pm to 7:30 pm.,Focus on function,Listen to two people talking a,20,Listen to two people talking about how people followed the news 30 years ago.Answer the questions.,2.How would they get the news?,They would watch the news on TV.,Focus on function,Listen to two people talking a,21,Listen to two people talking about how people followed the news 30 years ago.Answer the ques




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