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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,LOGO,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,LOGO,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,Translation: Theory and Practice,陈 隽,cjgullit,Translation: Theory and Practi,Arrangements of this Course,第一章,Fundamental concepts of translation,2 weeks,第二章,Skills of translation at word level,7-8 weeks,第三章,Skills of translation at syntactical level,7-8 weeks,第四章,Culture and translation,2 weeks,第一章Fundame,Textbook:,实用英汉对比与翻译,Arrangements:,18 weeks altogether, about 3 chapters of E-C translation.,Textbook:,Materials we use in class,PowerPoint,Textbook:,Exercise,in class or after class,Materials,Assessment / Final Exam,Class Attendance:,20%,Class performance (including exercises, answer the questions in class, discussion, presentation, etc.) :,20%,Final exam (including what we have learned in class):,60%,Assessment,Any Questions?,Any Questi,Chapter One,Fundamental Concepts and Principles of Translation,Chapter On,Brainstorm,What is translation ?,Brainstorm,What is translation?,Translation means putting what is said in one language into another.,What is tr,陈皮,Chens skin,麻婆豆腐,beancurd made by a pockmarked woman,陈皮,某动物园:,请勿喂食动物!如有食物,请交给饲养员或值班警卫。,Please do not feed animals. If you have suitable food, feed it to the guard on duty.,请不要喂动物,如果你有合适的食物,请喂值班警卫,.,某动物园:,Tragic Mistakes,Mokusatsu,a. keep silent sophisticatedly,;,b. ignore, despise,Hiroshima,Nagasaki,Tragic Mis,Moksatsu,Moksatsu,Translation consists in reproducing the target language (TL) the closest natural equivalent of the source language (SL), first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. (Eugene. A. Nida,,,奈达,),A.,再现原文信息,而不是保留原文的结构形式;,B.,原文与译文之间是对等关系;,C.,对等是贴切,自然的;,D.,意义是优先考虑的因素;,E.,文体成分也很重要。,翻译的定义,Translatio,1. Origin and History of Translation,1.,Bible Story of Noah,2.,Tower of Babel,3. In the West: Bible translation,4. In China:,Zhou Dynasty,: “,东方曰寄,南方曰象,西方曰狄,北方曰译。”,Xuan Zang,1. Origin,Noah,Noah,Noahs Ark,Noahs Ark,Tower of Bable,Tower of B,2. Famous Translators in Fujian Province,Fujian: Cradle for translators in Chinese modern times,2. Famous,译界楷模严复,一百多年前他提出的,信达雅,翻译标准一直影响着中国的译学研究,译界楷模严复,一百多,译界之王林纾,他译介的西洋小说之多至今无人出其右,译界之王林纾,他译介,倡西学之始,开新学之路,,最早组织翻译班子译,夷书,的林则徐,倡西学之始,开新学,被西方人尊为东方文化,圣哲,的辜鸿铭,被西方人尊为东方文化,两脚踏东西文化,一心评宇宙文章,,毕生致力于传播中华文化的文学、翻译大师林语堂,两脚踏东西文化,一,集作者、学者、译者于一身的文学、翻译大师余光中教授,集作者、学者、译者于,冰心,冰心,陈季同,:,“,东学西渐,”,第一人;,许孟雄,:首次把毛泽东的,论持久战,等多篇著作译成英文;,凌青,:前中国常驻联合国代表,外交翻译家;,陈羽纶,:主编并翻译过福尔摩斯探案等西方名著 。,许崇信,:曾参加翻译并审定联合国及安理会文件,43,份,计,120,多万字,并有大量译著。,陈季同:“东学西渐”,4. Principles and standards of translation.,Western theories Chinese theories,4. Princip,严复,译事三难“信、达、雅”,信,(faithfulness):,为读者准确传达原作的内容,译文的意义不违背原文,译文必须把原作的内容完整而准确地表示出来。同时,还必须保持原作的风格:民族风格,时代风格,语体风格,作者个人的语言风格等。(书面体与口语体),即:忠实准确,严复译事三难“信、达,严复,达(,expressiveness):,译者将全文融会于心,则下笔抒词,自然互备,至原文词理本深,难于共喻,则当前后引衬,以显其意。凡此经营,皆以为达,为达既所以为信也。,通顺流畅:译文语言必须通顺易懂,符合规范,没有语言晦涩,诘屈聱牙,文理不通,结构混乱,逻辑不清的现象。,严复达(expres,雅(,elegance):,“,言之无文,行之不远”,因为雅与文字有密切的关系,因此他主张用古汉语, “实则精理微言,用汉以前句法则为达易,用近世俗利文字则求达难。”,文字古雅,.,从语用层面上看“雅”的原则:译者处理语言在特定语境中的语用含义,达到语用层面上的“雅”,使译文语言对译文读者产生相应的“,语用效果,”。,严复,雅(elegance,傅雷,“,神似”,(spiritual similarity),The purpose of translation is to achieve the “spirit” of the original.,“,以效果而论,反以应该像临画一样,所求的不在形似,而在神似。”,傅雷“神似” (sp,化境 (,conversion / perfection,),化境论:,“,翻译的最高理想可以说是,化,。把作品从一国文字转变成另一国文字,既能不因语文习惯的差异而露出生硬牵强的痕迹,又能完全保存原作的风味,那就算得入于化境。,”,钱钟书,化境 (conver,On Reading,Studies serve for delight, for ornament and for ability. Their chief use for delight is in privateness and retiring; for ornament, is in discourse; and for ability, is in the judgement and disposition of business.,On Reading,参考译文,读书足以怡情,足以博采,足以长才。怡情,最见于独处幽居之时;博采,最见于高谈阔论之中;长才,最见于处世判事之际。,参考译文读书足以怡情,Summary,Faithfulness,refers to that content and style of TL should be faithful to the SL.,Smoothness,requires that version should be clear and distinct, flowing and easy to read without signs of the mechanical word-for-word translation, of obscure language, of grammatical mistakes, confused structure and logic.,Summary Fa,5. Strategies for Translation,5.1,异化,(foreignization/ dissimilation),Foreignization is a strategy in which a target text is produced which deliberately breaks target conventions by retaining something of the foreignness of the original.,翻译必须有异国情调,就是所谓洋气。,鲁迅,5. Strateg,异化:转达原文意思的时候,使译文的表达形式和句法结构尽量同原文一致起来, 向原文作者靠拢,采取原文作者使用的表达方式传达原文的内容。,异化:转达原文意思的,crocodile tear,cowboy,Forbidden fruit,to cry wolf,iron bowl,dark horse,Pandoras box,crocodile,Kill two birds with one stone,Armed to the teeth,All roads lead to Rome,Born with a silver spoon in ones mouth,Though she was,born with a silver spoon in her mouth, she was very frugal with her money.,Kill two b,The Trojan horse,The Gold Apple,Helen,The Trojan,优点:保留的原文的文化意象,目的是使译文保持原文的语言风格,向译文读者介绍源语文化,并丰富译入语及文化。,优点:保留的原文的文,5.2,归化(,domestication/assimilation),归化:人类文化具有共同的范畴,因此,两种语言在表达上出现意象相同的内容,有的意象不同,意义基本一致,翻译时用译语的文化意象来取代原文里的文化意象,或用译语现有的词汇来翻译。,5.2 归化(dom,All roads lead to Rome,Where there is a will, there is a way,Make hay while the sun shines,There is no smoke without fire,Look for a needle in a bundle of hay,To cry wolf,All roads,Teach fish to swim,Two heads are better than one,Speak of the devil and he comes,Great minds think alike,Teach fish,To shed crocodile tears,Do not,shed crocodile tears,for James; I know you were responsible for his being fired.,To shed cr,Drink like a fish,He has a terrible complexion as he,drinks like a fish,.,Drink like,Black sheep,They said she is the,black sheep,of the family because she spent money like water.,Black shee,谢谢观赏,谢谢观赏,




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