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,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Malhotra,Hall,Shaw,Oppenheim:Marketing Research 3e 2006 Pearson Education Australia,*,PowerPoint to accompany,Naresh Malhotra,John Hall,Mike Shaw,Peter Oppenheim,PowerPoint to accompany,Chapter 3,Specifying the Marketing Research Process,Chapter Objectives,After reading this chapter you should be able to:,Appreciate that good research requires good thinking,Understand that nothing is as practical as a good theory,Show how a broad research approach is narrowed into specific market research questions,Describe the processes the researcher carries out to understand the context and how to approach the market research problem,Chapter Objectives(continued),Understand the usefulness of hypotheses about the market research problem,Appreciate the importance of clearly specifying the information needed and its relationship to the research objectives,Demonstrate how to specify practical,measurable and achievable research objectives,Topic,The approach to specifying the marketing research objectives,Tasks involved in specifying the research objectives,Choosing the best approach,International marketing research,Summary,The Approach to Specifying the Marketing Research Objectives,To develop an effective and efficient research design the research must choose the basis on which to exam the problem,This approach is the overall paradigm:,An overall and fundamental basis on which a situation can be considered and analysed,Confidence needed that it is a reasonable set of assumptions with which to guide the formulation of the research objectives and the research design methodology,In consumer behaviour studies the basic paradigm could be that the behaviour is rational,conscious decision making and not based on random subconscious behaviour,The Approach to Specifying the Marketing Research Objectives,Tasks the researcher may undertake:,Establish objectives and theoretical framework,Develop conceptual and analytical models,Set the research questions,Specify appropriate hypotheses,The Approach to Specifying the Marketing Research Objectives,In the process of developing a conceptual approach and paradigm there are four important outputs for the research design:,List of research questions,Specification of the necessary information,Project scope,Research objectives,Topic,The approach to specifying the marketing research objectives,Tasks involved in specifying the research objectives,Choosing the best approach,International marketing research,Summary,Establishing Objective Theoretical Foundations,Research should be based on objective evidence and supported by theory,Theory:,A conceptual scheme based on foundational statements called axioms that are assumed to be true,Should be objective,Not be influenced by pre-conceived or biased perspectives,Should not bias the results,Establishing Objective TheoreticalFoundations,Objectiveevidence is gatheredby compiling relevant findings from secondary sources,past research,marketing plans and communicationstrategies,Researchers should rely upon theoryto determine whichfactors toinvestigate,Pastresearch on theory developmentandtesting provideimportantguidelines fordetermining the relationshipbetween factors,Theory from review of academicliterature inbooks,journalsandmonographs,Establishing Objective TheoreticalFoundations,Theoreticalconsiderations importantto:,Operationalisingandmeasuring factors,Selection ofresearch designandsampling,Organiseandinterpret findings,Considerableeffortshould be expended on establishing the theory,If researcher neglects theory more likely to:,Misunderstand data,Misinterpretfindings,Be unable tointegrate findingswithprevious findings by others,Nothingis so practicalas agood theory,EstablishingObjective Theoretical Foundations,Theroletheoryplays invariousmarketing researchphases is summarisedasfollows:,EstablishingObjective Theoretical Foundations,Theory playsrole inbasic researchbutrequirescreativityas theory may not adequatelyspecifythereal worldcase,Theoriesareincomplete:,Needtoidentifyother factors pertinenttothemarketing situation,Studentsaredirected toExample3.1andFig3.2(pp.81-2)foran illustrationhowpreviousresearch,whichestablishedthetheoreticalframework,provideda solidbase onwhich to develop new ways to thinkconceptually,Conducting the Literature Review,Reviewing backgroundliteratureimportant,Review is both:,Active searching for topics relevant to problem athand,Passive,ongoing tokeep uptodatewith current views,etc,Studentsaredirected toExample3.3andFig3.3(pp.83-4)foran illustrationhowa literaturereviewhelped shaperesearch design/informationcollected,Developing Conceptual and AnalyticalModels,Market researchhasborrowedfrom scientificmethodwhich is,A theory-to-proof methodofdiscovery that involvesa step-by-step,logical,organised and rigorousapproachtounderstanding and solving problems,Conceptualisation isabout establishingrelationships between factor




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