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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Task Description,Relative Knowledge,Negotiation Skills and Useful Expressions,Content,Task Description,More and more trade disputes happen because the description of the objects we trade could not be written in the contracts exactly and detailed.So,great care should be taken to specify quality terms to aviod any disputes.,What is Specification?,Simply to say,Specification is the detailed description of the goods to be sold.And different goods have different features to be specified,so,the methods to stipulate quality depend on the nature and character of goods and customary usage in practice.There are two ways to express the quality of the goods either by description or by sample in international trade.,S,pecification,refers the mainindexes,such as,components,siz,e,length,purity thickness property content capacity etc.,Quality is the evidence of evaluation on quality of goods.Different goods have different quality,the methods of stating quality tolerance are also different.Follows,flexible area,maximum and minimum,allowed deviations.,a full range of sizes,up to the sample,design specification,quality tolerance,reach the standard,requirements on specification,top craftsmanship,inspection certificate of quality,达标,与样品一致,规格要求,顶级工艺,各种大小尺寸,质量检验证书,品质公差,设计规格,Methods ExpressingQuality of Commodity,The intrinsic attributes,(e.g.the chemical composition,mechanical performance,biological features,and the like),and the outer form or shape of the goods,(e.g.the modeling,structure,color,and luster of the goods.),What is quality of commodity,商品的品质,是指商品的内在品质和外观形态的综合。内在品质包括商品的物理性能、机械性能、生物特征、化学成分等自然属性;外观形态包括商品的外形、色泽、款式、味觉和透明度等。,Methods,Expressing,Quality,of Commodity,Sale by Description,Sale by Sample,用文字说明表示,用样品表示,Sale by,Description,Sale by specification,Sale by grade,Sale by standard,Sale by brand name/trade mark,Sale by description and illustration,Sale by place of origin,Methods Expressing Quality of Commodity,Sale by description,1,),Sale by specification,货物规格是指能够反映货物品质的主要指标,如:化学成分、含量、纯度、长短、粗细等。以货物规格作为交货品质依据而进行的买卖,称为“,凭规格买卖,”,这种办法准确、具体。,e.g.,Admixture(max.)5%,Oil content(min.),44%,2),Sale by grade,货物等级是指同一类货物,按其质地的差异或尺寸、形状、重量、成分、构造、功能等不同,用文字、数字或符号所作的分类。以货物等级作为交货品质依据而进行的买卖,称为“,凭等级买卖,”,这种方法体现了按质论价。,e.g.,Grade AA:60-65 g per egg,Grade A:55-60 g per egg,3),Sale by brand name/trade mark,货物的商标是某种货物的特定标志。牌号则是指工商企业给其制造或销售的商品所冠的名称,以便同其他企业同类产品区别开来。用商标或牌号确定商品品质而进行的买卖,称为“,凭商标或牌号买卖,”。这种方法适用于质量稳定,信誉良好并为消费者所熟悉的产品。,e.g.,“,耐克”运动鞋,“宝马”汽车,“海尔”冰箱,4),Sale by standard,货物标准是货物规格的标准化。以货物标准作为交货品质依据而进行的买卖,称为“,凭标准买卖,”。标准随着生产技术的发展而不断修改和变动,采用时应注明标准的版本年份。,e.g.,利福平 英国药典,1993,年版,对于有些农副土特水产品,由于其品质变化较大,难以确定统一标准,故采用“良好平均品质”和“上好可销品质”来表示。,“良好平均品质”(,Fair Average Quality,F.A.Q.,),,是指代表一定时期内某地出口商品的中等平均品质。通过抽样,混合、调配,取其中者而得,在我国习惯上称之为“大路货”。,“上好可销品质”(,Good Merchantable Quality,G.M.Q.,),,是指卖方保证货物品质优良,符合商销条件。这种方法笼统,不够具体,容易引起纠纷,业务中很少使用。,5),Sale by description and illustration,用说明书或图样确定货物品质而进行的买卖,称为“,凭说明书和图样买卖,”。这种方法对于技术复杂产品,如机电设备,结构复杂,无法用样品或几项指标来表示货物品质。,e.g.Quality&technical data to be strictly in conformity,with the description submitted by the seller,6),Sale by place of origin,用产地名称来表示其独特的品质、信誉而进行的买卖,称为“,凭产地名称买卖,”。用于工艺独特的地方产品。,e.g.,“,法国香水”,(,France Perfume,),“四川榨菜”(,Sichuan Preserved Vegetable,),Methods Expressing Quality of Goods,Sale,by,Sample,By Sellers Sample,By Buyers Sample,以实物样品表示货物品质并以此作为交货依据而成交的买卖,称为,凭样品买卖(,Sales by Sample,),。,样品,(,Sample,),是指从供货商生产的一批货物中抽出来的或由生产、使用部门设计加工出来的,足以反映和代表整批货物品质的少量实物。,以卖方样品作为交货依据而成交的,称为,“凭卖方样品买卖”。(,Sale by Sellers Sample,),以买方样品作为交货依据而成交的,称为,“凭买方样品买卖”(,Sale by Buyers Sample,),,也称为“来样成交”或“来样制作”,(,1,),Original Sample,原样,:卖方所提供的能充分代表日后整批交货品质的少量实物。(也称代表性样品)(,2,),Duplicate Sample,复样,:向买方送交样品时,卖方应留存的 一份或数份同样的样品。(也称留样)(,3,),Counter sample,对等样品,:在实际业务中,如卖方认为按买方来样供货没有切实把握,卖方可以根据买方来样仿制或从现有货物中选择品质相近的样品提供给买方。这种样品称为对等样品或回样。,(,4,),Sealed Sample,封样,:由第三方或由公证机关在一批货物中抽取同样质量的样品若干份,每份样品采用铅丸、钢卡、封条等各种方式加封识别,由第三方或公证机关留存一份备案,其余供当事人使用(,5,),Reference,Sample,参考样品,:是指买卖双方为了发展彼此的贸易关系而采用互相寄送,仅供对方了解的商品,不作为成交或交货时的品质依据。参考样品在寄送时一定要注明“仅供参考(,For Reference Only,)”字样,以免与标准样品混淆。这种样品对双方均无约束力。,Negotiation Skills,谈判技巧,Prepare a Statement of Interests,At the beginning of the negotiation,you and other party will outline your interests.It is useful,especially if you are using a foreign language,to prepare your statement of interests before the negotiation.You need to feel confident about what you are going to say.,Example:,you represent your company to buy a new computer system for marketing department,The note will remind you of all the important points you need to mention.,1.My companys marketing department has been using the same computer system for seven years and now wants a new one.,2.We want the new system soon but we must select a system that meets our specifications,3.We have given you our specifications for the system.The system must be able to provide better information about our customers and markets.,4.We would like to have the system installed fairly quickly,perhaps within the next six months.,Useful Expression




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