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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,English Translation of the Interpretations of Chinas Scenic Spots,风景点解说词的翻译,1,一、英语解说词语言特征,突出信息功能。,英文,遗产解说是典型的信息文本,简洁流畅的语言和大量的事实数据突出特点,景物的完整印象。,2,1.1Plain language,The Grand Canyon,is,among the earths,greatest,on-going geological spectacles.Its vastness is,stunning,and the evidence it,reveals,about the earths history is,invaluable,.About 65 million years ago in the earths shifting,a huge area of land was,lifted,a mile and a half above sea level,forming what is now the Colorado Plateau.For the last 6 to 10 million years,the Colorado River has been slowly,carving,its way down through the many layers of rock.,3,The river,together with the erosive forces of wind,rain,snow,heat and cold,has,formed,a spectacular gorge one-mile deep and at some points 18 miles across.The,colorful,strata of the canyon walls,reveal,the rock formations of the earths evolution from nearly 2 billion years ago;they,contain,fossils of the earliest living things from 500 million years ago.The river,continues,to carve into the earths surface.(,http:/www.cr.nps.gov/worldheritage/,),4,1.2 Fact-based,The forest here exudes water vapor and oily residues which create a smoke-like haze that surrounds the peaks and fills the valleys.Great Smoky Mountains National Park,encompassing more than,800 square miles,protects one of the worlds finest temperate deciduous forests and is a reminder of the tree-rich landscape of pre-Columbian America.Due to the fertile soil and abundant rain,this area boasts,1,520 flower species,130 varieties of trees,50 mammal species,and,27 different kinds of salamanders,.The plants are related to those found across the Pacific,testifying to the ancient migration of trees and flowers from Asia by way of the Bering land bridge.,5,The Smokies also represent an important period in the earths development when 300 million years ago,supercontinents collided and the earths crust pushed upward forming high,jagged mountains.Over the course of time these mountains have been smoothed and softened by erosion.The geographical evidence,biological evolution and diversity make this park a superlative natural preserve.(,http:/www.cr.nps.gov/worldheritage/grsm.htm,)the Great Smoky Mountains,6,二、汉语解说词语言特征,中文,遗产解说信息、描述功能。庄严正式的语气,典雅华丽的辞藻和丰富的修辞。四字结构、比喻、排比、夸张、对偶、引用、赞誉称号、诗词、谚语、文言文或者神话传说加深印象。,7,2.1Refined wording,峨眉山位于中国西南部的四川省,距成都156公里,走高速公路需1.5小时。主峰金顶绝壁凌空,高插云霄,巍然屹立,。登临其间,可西眺,皑皑雪峰,,东瞰,莽莽平川,,气势,雄,而景观,奇,,有云海、日出、佛光、圣灯四大奇观。中部群山,峰峦叠嶂,含烟凝翠,飞瀑流泉,鸟语花香,,草木,茂,而风光,秀,。是我国著名的游览胜地,1996年被联合国教科文组织列入“世界自然与文化遗产”。(http:/峨眉山旅游网),8,2.2,Rich rhetorical devices,山风乍起时,云海飘散开去,,群峰众岭变成一座座海中的小岛,;云海汇聚过来,千山万壑被掩藏得无影无踪。云海时开时合,,恰似“山舞青蛇,”,气象雄伟。风紧时,云海忽而疾驰、翻滚,忽而飘逸、舒展,,似天马行空,似大海扬波,似雪球滚地,。(metaphor),(,http:/ structures)(,http:/ Abundant citations,黄山是文化名山,源远流长。,相传,中华民族的始祖黄帝曾在黄山炼丹,后得道升天,。自然造化天然美景,古往今来,吸引了无数文人墨客、名流雅士,前往登临领略。,(http:/wh.org/),“,上朝峨眉,下朝宝顶,”。“五山石刻”自古以来就是名胜之地。,(,http:/ Various honorable titles,风景名胜区主景区方圆60 平方公里,山峰平均海350米左右,属典型丹霞地貌,素有“,碧 水丹山,”、“,奇秀甲于东南,”之美誉,是首批国家重点风景名胜区之一,被国际旅游组织执 委会主席巴尔科夫人称为“世界环境保护的典范”。,(,http:/ Chinese expressions,“孔子,殁,后一年,鲁哀公将其故宅三间改建为庙”,“殁”“去世”or“辞世”.The usage of this single word here creates a solemn atmosphere,and is in keeping with the setting of the Confucius Temple.,“自孔子以后,孔氏历代子孙亦多从葬于此”,the phrase“亦多从葬于此”-“从孔子以后,他的子孙也被埋葬在这里”.,14,三、实例分析,E.g.1 据推算北京人身高为156厘米(男),150厘米(女)。,The estimated height of,Peking Man,is 156 cm.That of,Peking Woman,is 150 cm.(,http:/www.china- transfers,Suggested interpretation:,(1)The estimated height of a male Peking Man is 156 cm and that of his female counterpart is 150 cm.,(2)The estimated height of the male and female Peking Man is 156cm and 150cm respectively.,15,e.g.2,庐山风景名胜区面积302平方千米,外围,保护地带,500平方千米。,The Lushan scenic area extends over 302 sq km,being,protected,by an outlying zone of 500 sq km.(,http:/wh.org,),The Lushan scenic area extends over 302 sq km,with an outlying conservation zone of 500 sq km.,Mechanical transfers,16,e.g.3,汉武帝时也曾数次,修筑,长城,用来保护河套、陇西等地以及东西往来的交通。,During Emperor Wudis reign of the Han Dynasty,walls were also,built,several times to guard Hetao,western Gansu and other regions and the routes of east-west transportation.(,http:/wh.org/,),Mechanical transfers,17,The construction of Great Wall actually begun during the Spring and Autumn Period to the Warring States Period.Later,the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty ordered to link the walls up after he united China.The Great Wall already existed in the Han Dynasty.Thus the use of“built”here is definitely incorrect.Thats to say the Great Wall was“repaired”or“mended”several times.,18,More e.gs for,Mechanical transfers,Chinese,Mechanical Transfer,Idiomatic Translation,高等植物,high-order plant,higher plants,红叶,red leaves,maple leaves/red autumnal leaves,国家保护区,state-level resort,national resort,自然景观,natural scene,natural scenery/natural landscape,劳动力,labor power,labor force/work force,19,e.g.4,1996年被联合国教科文组织,列入,“世界自然与文化遗产”。,In 1996,it was,ranked,in“The World Cultural&Natural Heritage”by UNE




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