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,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Click to edit Master title style,第 六,讲 翻译技巧(二):词类转换,Contents,转换成汉语动词,6.1.,转换成汉语名词,6.2.,转换成汉语形容词,6.3.,转换成汉语副词,6.4.,在忠实于原文的前提下,根据译入语的行文习惯,适当进行词类转换(即将原文中属于某种词类的词译成译语的另一类词),能使译文通顺达意、自然流畅。,(1) Those small factories are also lavish,consumers,and,wasters, of raw materials.,原译:那些小厂还是原材料极大的消耗者和浪费者。,(2) My clothes are a,witness,to my poverty.,原译:我的衣服是我贫穷的目击者,。,词类转换不啻能使译文自然流畅、纯正地道,而且有时是翻译得以进行所必须采用的手法。,(3) Mercury,weighs,about thirteen times as much as water.,水银的比重是水的十三倍。,(4) The new computer,features,high efficiency, great reliability and low cost.,新型计算机的特点是效率高、可靠性强、成本低廉。,词类转换是英汉翻译中不可或缺的变通手段,是突破原文词性束缚、避免貌合神离的硬译死译,使译文准确、通顺、易懂的有效方法。,并不意味着词类转换可以随心所欲,而必须遵循忠实于原文意义、使译文自然流畅、通顺易懂的原则。,6.1,转换成汉语动词,英语动词远比汉语动词用得少。一个英语句子(单句)往往只用一个限定性动词作谓语,而在一个汉语句子中却可以出现几个动词。,(5) For 20 years we were passive witnesses to the deterioration of prices of our raw materials and an excessive increase of the prices of manufactured goods.,我们在二十年中坐视原材料价格下跌与工业品价格暴涨。,6.1.1,名词转译成动词,6.1.1,名词转译成动词,英语中许多含有动作意义的名词和由动词派生的名词以及其他一些名词经常可以转译成汉语的动词。,具有动作含义的名词转译成动词,(6) He was accused of,neglect,of his duties.,(7) The,sight,and,sound,of our jet planes filled me with special longing.,6.1.1,名词转译成动词,(8) Wherever you go, there are signs of human,presence,.,(9) A,glance,through his office offers a panoramic view of the Washington Monument and Lincoln Memorial.,(10) A,study,of the letter leaves us in no doubt as to the motives behind it.,(11) The tests indicate that a countercurrent,flow,of gases and solids is necessary in the reactor.,6.1.1,名词转译成动词,动名词和由动词派生的名词往往转译成动词,(12) No other changes occur upon,mixing,the two compounds,(13) In,handling,the materials of history, each act of selection is also an act of judgment.,(14) The engine has given a constantly good,performance,.,(15) Military bases are a serious obstacle to the,achievement,of independence by the colonial people.,6.1.1,名词转译成动词,(16) Television is the,transmission,and,reception,of images of moving objects by radio waves.,(17) The,application,of electronic computers makes for a tremendous rise in labor productivity.,(18) Laser is one of the most sensational developments in recent years, because of its,applicability,to many fields of science and its,adaptability,to practical uses.,6.1.1,名词转译成动词,由动词加后缀,-er,或,-or,构成的名词转译动词,英语中有些带后缀,-er,或,-or,的名词, 有时在句中并不用来指某人的身份或职业,而是带有较强的动作含义,一般宜转译为汉语动词。,(19) Some of my classmates are good,singers,.,(20) That well-known scientist was a great,lover,of literature when he was a child.,(21) He was a voracious,reader, spending much of his days and evenings devouring books.,6.1.1,名词转译成动词,(22) I am afraid I cannot teach you to operate the machine, but Tom will be a good,teacher,for you.,(23) The computer is a far more careful and industrious,inspector,than human beings.,(24) The economic environment is characterized by,buyers, sellers,and,competitors,.,(25) Talking with his young neighbor, the old man was the,forgiver,of the young mans past wrong doings.,6.1.1,名词转译成动词,在习语化短语动词中作中心词的名词往往转译成动词,英语中有大量习语化的短语动词,其中心词是名词,译成汉语时,一般可以转换成动词。,(26) The lecturer gave an excellent,picture,of the living conditions in Africa.,(27) Anyone who has had a,look,at an old radio set will remember the large, heavy vacuum tubes and other components.,6.1.1,名词转译成动词,(28) A baby has no,knowledge,of good and evil.,(29) He made no,mention,of your suggestion at the meeting.,(30),Take a taste of,the newly produced water-melon.,(31) Tom,took a final look at,his lovely hometown.,6.1.1,名词转译成动词,其他名词转译成动词,英语中有些名词尽管不具有明显的动作含义,但有时转译成汉语动词不仅有效地保持了原意,而且能使译文更加自然通顺。,(32) A,fire,in the neighbors house can easily bring disaster to everyone.,(33) Differences between the social systems of states shall not be an,obstacle,to their contact and cooperation.,(34) They taught us the,value,of a dollar, took us to church, made us mind.,(35) Such events as the murder of Lumumba are clear,examples,of the colonialists cruelty.,6.1.2,介词(与介词短语)转译成动词,英语中介词与(及物)动词在句法特征上具有共性,即两者都可以带宾语。实际上,不少介词就是由动词演变而来的,并且仍带有明显的动作含义;还有一些介词虽不直接源于动词,在一定的上下文中同样具有动词意义。这些经常带有动作意味的介词,翻译时宜根据具体情况转换为汉语动词。,6.1.2,介词(与介词短语)转译成动词,(36) The moon turns,around,the earth and the earth revolves,around,the sun.,(37) “Coming!” Away she skimmed,over,the lawn,up,the path,up,the steps,across,the veranda, and,into,the porch.,(38) He has intelligence,beyond,the ordinary.,6.1.2,介词(与介词短语)转译成动词,(39) Are you,for,or,against,the proposal?,(40) She has gained her masters degree from Harvards School of Education and is finally,off,welfare.,(41) This is a picture,after,Picasso.,6.1.2,介词(与介词短语)转译成动词,此外,英语中不少的短语介词同样具有动作、行为意义,这些短语介词汉译时,也往往转换成动词。,(42) Before long his thoughts were centred on the use of air as the working fluid,instead of,steam.,(43),In view of,human history this could be a slight enough hope.,6.1.2,介词(与介词短语)转译成动词,(44) The work at the weather observation stations goes on regularly without any interruption,in spite of,any weather conditions.,(45) Metals can be welded,by means of,heat produced by a current.,6.1.3,形容词转换成动词,英语形容词不少可以转译成动词。这种形容词大体包括两类:一类主要是由动词派生(或转换)而来,大多能引申出动作意义;另一类多用于表示各种心理状态,而这些心理状态在汉语中一般则用动词表达。,6.1.3,形容词转换成动词,由英语动词派生或转换成的形容词转译成汉语动词,(46) A solar cell is,reproductive,by itself under any circumstances.,(47) Also,present,in solids are numbers of free electron.,(48) The atoms of one element are,different,from those of all other elements.,(49) Rheumatic and certain infectious diseases are commonly,responsible,for diseases of the heart valves.,6.1.3,形容词转换成动词,(50) Employers by and large are,resistant,to mediation.,(51) Success is,dependent on,his efforts.,还有一些形容词尽管并不是从动词派生而来的,有时也宜转译成汉语动词,这或者是为了更确切地表达隐含的动作意义,或者是为了使译文更符合汉语习惯。,6.1.3,形容词转换成动词,(,52) It is a deplorable fact that the air is,thick,with dust.,(53) The program was not,popular,with all of the troops.,(54) Shortly after Jimmy Carters election as President, his advisers were reported as recommending,lower,taxes and,higher,government spending.,(55) During World War II, butter was,scarce,and was rationed.,6.1.3,形容词转换成动词,表示某种心理状态的形容词转译成动词,英语中有一类表示知觉、感受、信念、欲望等心理状态的形容词,常出现在联系动词之后作表语,其后面大多要求与相应的介词搭配,或接不定式短语或,that-,从句。它们一般也具有动词的意义和特征,因而常常转译成汉语的动词。,6.1.3,形容词转换成动词,(56) The students are,afraid,that this chemical reaction will take place with great violence.,(57) Scientists are quite,confident,that all the matters are indestructible.,(58) That doctor felt,sympathetic,with his patients.,(59) I am very sorry that so many representatives have been,ignorant,of the substance of the dispute.,6.1.3,形容词转换成动词,(60) We found out that he was exceedingly,fond,of boating.,(61) Such robots are so sophisticated that they are even,conscious,of temperature change in the surroundings.,(62) It is sometimes,desirable,to keep resistance as low as possible.,(63) He looked from one to the other of us, as if,uncertain,(as to ) which to address.,6.1.4,副词转换成动词,英语中一些副词, 在用作表语或宾语补足语时,经常可以转译为汉语动词。,(64) The two bodies are so far,apart,that the attractive force between them is negligible.,(65) Steps are being considered to speed up the plan lest we might be,behind,in the schedule.,6.1.4,副词转换成动词,(66) The Republicans will be,in,again in the foreseeable future.,(67) The two bodies are so far,apart,that the attractive force between them is negligible.,(68) As he ran out, he forgot to have his cap,on.,(69) That dictionary will be,out,pretty soon.,6.2,转换成汉语名词,一般可以转译成汉语名词的英语词类包括某些动词、形容词和副词。,6.2.1,动词转译成名词,经常转译成汉语名词的动词主要是那些由名词派生或转换而成的动词,或是那些侧重表示相对静止状态的动词,或是其意义用汉语动词不易表达,而用相同意义的汉语名词却可自然通顺地体现出来的动词。,6.2.1,动词转译成名词,(70) The electronic computer is chiefly,characterized,by its accurate and rapid computations.,(71) To them, he,personified,the absolute power.,(72) The mountaineers set up another camp the third day when 6500 ft. was,read,from the altimeter.,6.2.1,动词转译成名词,(73) The volume of trade has,increased,tremendously to the advantage of both countries.,(74) A well-dressed man, who,looked and talked,like an American, got into the car.,(75) This article,aims,at discussing new development in component material and techniques.,6.2.2,形容词转换成名词,英汉中一些名词化的形容词与定冠词连用,表示一类人或事物。这种形容词翻译时往往转换成汉语名词,(76) The mayor said that his city government will do its best to build a school for the,blind,and the,deaf,.,(77) The,young,and the,old,should unite in shaping a fuller and more meaningful life for all.,6.2.2,形容词转换成名词,(78) The nurses took good care of the,sick,and the,wounded,day and night.,(79) Under given conditions, the,harmful,can be transformed into the,beneficial,.,(80) Both compounds are acids, the,former,is strong and the,latter,weak.,(81) The,true, the,good, the,beautiful,would not exist without the,false, the,evil,and the,ugly.,6.2.2,形容词转换成名词,英语中还有一些由名词派生、与名词同根或可以引伸出名词意义的形容词,汉译时往往可以转换为汉语名词。尤其在句中用作表语表示事物特征的形容词更是经常转译为后边带“,.,性”、“,度”的名词。,(82) They expect us in the Community to work out policies of aid and trade which will show a,sympathetic,understanding of their own problems.,6.2.2,形容词转换成名词,(83) In fission processes the fission fragments are very,radioactive,.,(84) The “Visual Ear” measures less than 9 inches,long,7 inches,wide,and 2 inches thick.,(85) My ID card will be,good,for the rest of my life,.,(86) It is a fact that glass is much more,soluble,than quarts.,(87) The steam engine is only about 20 per cent,efficient,.,6.2.3,副词转译成名词,英语中有一些以名词作词根派生出的副词,往往含有“在,方面”、“用,方法”等含义。翻译时,为使译文通顺,经常将其转换为汉语名词。,(88) There seems to be no other competitive techniques which can measure range as,well,or as,rapidly,as can a laser.,(89) He proved,physically,weak but,mentally,sound.,6.2.3,副词转译成名词,(90) Oxygen is one of the most important elements in the physical world, and it is very active,chemically.,(91) It was,officially,announced that the President had decided to postpone his visit to the Middle East.,(92) The paper said,editorially,that with unemployment high and the dollar low the economy will be the Presidents sternest trial.,6.2.4,代词转译成名词,按照汉语的习惯,翻译时英语某些代词,经常转译为它们所代替的名词。,(93) The great scientist hated failure; he had conquered,it,all his life, risen above,it, and despised,it,in others.,(94) Energy can neither be created, nor destroyed although,its,form can be changed.,(95) A chemical change is,one,in which the structure of particles is changed and a new substance is formed.,(96) The unit of weight is the gram,that,of length is the metre, and,that,of capacity is the litre.,6.2.4,代词转译成名词,6.3,转换成汉语形容词,6.3.1,名词转换成汉语形容词,往往可以转换成汉语形容词的英语名词基本是一些由形容词派生,表达事物的性质或是前面带有不定冠词在句中用作表语、且可引伸出形容词含义的名词。间或为了使译文自然达意,也将其它名词变通处理,转译为形容词。,6.3.1,名词转换成汉语形容词,(97) His question reflected the,enormity,of his doubts.,(98) Independent thinking is an absolute,necessity,in study.,(99) They admitted the,feasibility,of our proposal.,(100) The moderate price coupled with the,superiority,of our goods will surely induce you to pass our orders.,6.3.1,名词转换成汉语形容词,(101) The,urgency,of the development of an A-bomb then compelled the Americans to start an unprecedented research program.,(102) He is a,stranger,to the operation of the helicopter.,(103) This experiment is an absolute,necessity,in determining the best processing route.,(104) The laws of thermodynamics are of prime,importance,in the study of heat.,6.3.2,副词转译成汉语形容词,副词转换成形容词较常见的情况是由于所修饰的动词转译成了汉语名词,从而导致原本修饰动词的副词转换成修饰名词的形容词。,(105) The film impressed us,deeply,.,(106) The communications system is,chiefly,characterized by its ease with which it can be maintained.,(107) Robotics is so,closely,associated with cybernetics that it is sometimes mistakenly considered to be synonymous.,(108) He,routinely,radioed another agent on the ground.,6.3.2,副词转译成汉语形容词,当所修饰的形容词转译成名词时,本来修饰这一形容词的副词有时也随之转换成汉语形容词。,(109) How can it be proved that gases are,perfectly,elastic?,(110) It is said that at ordinary temperature mercury is,greatly,stable in air.,6.3.2,副词转译成汉语形容词,英语中有些副词如,above, abroad, around, below, here, there,等,常作定语用,汉译时,这类副词往往转换成形容词,仍然用作定语,(111) The,above,suggestion seems to be sensible.,(112) The table,below,shows the specific weights of metals.,(113) Many plants,here,are of modern construction.,(114) They have set up many military bases in Africa in an attempt to enslave the people,there.,6.4,转换成汉语副词,其他词类转换成副词的情况相对比较少见,主要涉及一些形容词、少数动词和名词等。,6.4.1,形容词转换成汉语副词,这种转换大多源于一些形容词所修饰的名词转译成动词,从而导致这些形容词随之转换成副词。,(115) Standing on the teaching platform, he took an,apprehensive,look at the students.,(116) In order to make,better,use of the materials people have studied their properties.,(117) Below 4 water is in,continuous,expansion instead of continuous contraction.,6.4.1,形容词转换成汉语副词,(118) A,steady,increase of load on a part will cause it to deform gradually.,(119) The pictures give a,visual,representation of the situation.,6.4.1,形容词转换成汉语副词,有时,为了使译文更加符合汉语表达习惯,一些用于其他场合的形容词也可视具体上下文转译成汉语副词,(120) At that time Copernicus was in the,clear,minority.,(121) When the old lady finally succeeded in making the letters correctly she was flushed with,childish,pleasure and pride.,6.4.2,其他词类转换成副词,除了形容词能够转译成汉语副词外,间或少数名词与动词也可按照汉语的习惯转译成副词,(122) Customers unanimously voiced their,indignation,to condemn the stores immoral acts.,(123) I have the,honor,to inform you that your request is granted.,6.4.2,其他词类转换成副词,(124) In his six consecutive speeches, Nasser,indulged,in violent attacks on the Baghdad government.,(125) Underground water reserves are much larger than those on the surface, but as they are unseen we,tend,to underestimate them.,




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