,*,Beijing,Northern capital,About Beijing,Location,northeastern China,fourteen districts and two counties,Facts,the nations second largest city,the center of National politics,culture and transport,Why,I would like to visit,symbol of China,Never been there before,My friends ask me to go there together,The transportation is convenient,Interest in its culture and architecture,Parents have been there,Tiananmen Square,the largest city square in the world,The Great Wall,a world-renowned scenic spot,Attractionsinterests,Forbidden city,Chinese imperial palace,Temple of Heaven,the centre of imperial ritual ceremony,Attractions,Attractionentertainment,Skiing,Target shooting,Acrobatic shows and nightlife,Peking,opera,a principle tradition,Blue of,Jingtai,Attractionscultural art,Beijing dark,Pure white wild duck,Attractionsfood,Beijing snacks,How I would travel,Arrive by train,Go with friends,Live in hotel,Go to see some places,Bus,Taxi,Subway,3days,THANKS,