单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,CET 4&6 writing,2021.06大学英语四、六级写作,2021.06大学英语四、六级写作,Concerning the responsibility of a teacher,peoples views differ.Some advocate that teachers should only teach academic knowledge as students main task at school is to learn,no matter whether you are in primary school or in college.,In contrast,other people share the perspective that its also the teachers duty to teach students how to judge and how to behave well.For one thing,a great teacher should help,2021.06大学英语四、六级写作,students master the knowledge of a certain subject,and,at the same time,nurture an excellent personality.For example,they should help students form a good habit of being punctual;they should be taught to value family,respect the old,and so on.For the other thing,qualified teachers should have the ability to identify problems in students and help them conquer them.,2021.06大学英语四、六级写作,When asked to tell a person who has made a difference in my life,the person I will most likely say would be one of my teachers who taught me knowledge as well as the way of being a perfect person.,2021.06大学英语四、六级翻译,中华文明,又称“华夏文明。“华夏是中国汉民族的前身。中华文明可以追溯到公元前26世纪中华民族的建立者黄帝统一中原,至今延续五千多年。无论从语言和文字,还是从哲学、文学、书法、绘画、戏曲、建筑、园林和饮食等方面审视,我们都不难发现,中华文明五千年开展史至今脉络清晰可见,可谓是“世界四大古文明中唯一从未因战争、朝代更迭而中断或灭亡、甚至失忆的伟大文明。,2021.06大学英语四、六级翻译,Chinese civilization is also known as the“Huaxia Civilization.“Huaxia were the predecessors of Chinese Han people.Chinese Civilization can be traced back to the 26th century B.C.when the Yellow Emperor,the founding father of the Chinese nation,unified the Central Plains.Since then,Chinese Civilization has been existed for over 5000 years.In terms of language,written characters,philosophy,literature,calligraphy,2021.06大学英语四、六级翻译,painting,drama,architecture,gardens and cuisine,the five thousand year history of Chinese Civilization is clearly visible.,As one of the worlds four major ancient civilizations,Chinese Civilization is well known for its continuity and the fact it was never wiped out by war,changes of dynasties,or simply by people forgetting their culture.,2021.06大学英语四、六级翻译,Among the worlds four major ancient civilizations,Chinese Civilization is definitely the only one that is never and ever halted,annihilated or even forgotten by people because of/resulting from war or dynastic changes.,2021.06大学英语四、六级翻译,Among the worlds four major ancient civilizations,Chinese Civilization is definitely the only one that is never and ever halted,annihilated or even forgotten by people because of/resulting from war or dynastic changes.,2021.06大学英语四、六级翻译,长城 紫禁城 孔府 孔庙 孔陵,烽火台,丝绸之路 华清池 泰山 黄山,故宫 天坛 午门 大运河,护城河 回音壁 苏州园林 西湖,日月潭 鼓楼 四合院 乐山大佛,十八罗汉,2021.06大学英语四、六级翻译,壁画 避暑山庄 避暑胜地 冰山 火山,出土 道观 道教名山 雕塑 雕像,定情之物 洞穴,/,岩洞 仿古制品 复制品,高超工艺 古董 古迹 古墓 古松,号称五岳之首 后裔 回廊 甲骨文 假山,建筑风格 江南水乡 领略自然景观的魅力,蜜月度假圣地 名山大川 摩崖石刻,瀑布 小瀑布 飞瀑 人文景观 溶洞 石舫,熔岩景色,喀斯特地貌 石灰池 石灰岩洞,石窟 石碑 石笋 石像 世界第八大奇迹,2021.06大学英语四、六级翻译,世界文化遗产保护地 书法真迹 水乡景色,私家园林 四大奇观 缩影 天下第一洞,天下第一泉 险峰 镶嵌 修复 雪峰,雪山 御花园 园林建筑 原始森林,植物园 主题公园 自然景观 综合建筑,春秋时期 大思想家和教育家 古装 少数民族,考古学家 历史文物 历史遗迹 青铜器,文人雅士 文物 八方来客 保存完好,波光粼粼的湖面 苍松翠柏 层峦叠嶂,姹紫嫣红 崇山峻岭 雕梁画栋 峰回路转,2021.06大学英语四、六级翻译,2021.06大学英语四、六级翻译,Nowadays,talent shows have occupied a good proportion of screen time.The winners not only get grand prix but also gain promising career prospects in the entertainment industry.People hold diversified opinion about talent shows.According to a survey conducted in X city,59%of the interviewees believed that they did more good than harm,whereas 41%opposed it.,2021.06大学英语四、六级翻译,The people in favor of the shows believe that they have given participants an equal chance to bring forth their talents.Besides,such programs are usually interactive with audience who vote out the winners.Many people dislike such contests,holding that the vulgar competition encourages an unhealthy thinking among the young people of becoming famous overnight.,2021.06大学英语四、六级翻译,In my opinion,talent shows are no doubt a commercial success and an entertainment feast.And it is all too easy to label them as“vulgar or“biased.Though I do have some reservation towards them,I believe that the programs themselves are not harmful,as long as run properly and viewed with a light heart of enjoyment.,2021.06大学英语四、六级翻译,Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the following topic.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.,Suppose a foreign friend of yours is coming to visit your hometown/your campus/China,what is the most interesting place you would like to take him/her to see and why?,2021.06大学英语四、六级翻译,Xian,My Beautiful Hometown,If one of my foreign friends is coming to China,the most interesting place which I would like to take him/her to undoubtedly is Xi,an.As one of the most bewitching and international cities in China,Xi an is my beautiful hometown.,As the capital of 13 ancient Chinese dynasties,the current capital of Shanxi province and the biggest city in the western China,Xian is a very famous historic city.It is the starting of th