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,按一下以編輯母片標題樣式,按一下以編輯母片,第二層,第三層,第四層,第五層,*,調適文化衝擊,1,調適文化衝擊1,全球化的職場,跨國度,跨地區,跨文化的商品,跨國度的大量生產及行銷,資訊及服務業的後現代社會,全球化的公司,不能只看美歐日,中印俄巴可能更可貴,2,全球化的職場跨國度,跨地區,跨文化的商品2,文化衝擊,Kalervo Oberg(1901-1973)1954,提出,“,culture shock,”(,文化休克),一個人對新文化環境的心理反應,是一個“過程性”,而不是“一次性”的概念,是在學習一個新文化、也就是文化融合(,cultural adaptation),過程中所遭遇到的難關,3,文化衝擊Kalervo Oberg(1901-1973),文化衝擊,當你離開一個熟悉的環境前往一個差異頗大的地方停留一段時間時,定會產生各種感受。這些感受有許多是無法預期的,有時十分強烈,讓你覺得無法控制或困惑不已,這就是我們所說的文化衝擊,。,這是因為生活的習性多多少少會有所不同;另一方面也因為你遠離了一直在背後支持你的家人及朋友,接受一個全新且棘手的經驗。然而跟你工作或住在一起的人可能無法體會你的感受,因此不會瞭解你的焦慮。,4,文化衝擊 當你離開一個熟悉的環境前往一個差異頗大的地方,都是習性惹的禍,不過,你有選擇嗎?,如果沒有身上的 文化包袱,你就真的快樂了嗎?,5,都是習性惹的禍不過,你有選擇嗎?5,海外工作,應該有的人格特質,有獨立性格、能忍受寂寞,3,種人積極型鍍金企圖,快速成長,隨波型路邊攤,人多一定青,消極型這裡尋不到工作,只要適應得好,能發揮自己最大潛能的,便是成功者,6,海外工作應該有的人格特質6,一些徵兆,很想家,極度思鄉,竭力躲開公共場合,睡眠不安,身體不適,精神壓抑,感覺孤獨無助,無法全神貫注,工作壓力大,沉悶,鬱卒,疲倦,焦慮,對客居文化抱有敵對情緒,7,一些徵兆很想家,極度思鄉 7,心情悶騷,問題是到一定年紀,世界觀和思維形成定勢。在人家的土地上,逆著人家的思維定勢,悶,是斷斷免不了的。但是出了國,多少有點新鮮和刺激,所以也有點騷。,是一種精神磨難。磨是折磨,難是為難。,也許正因為磨難,所以造就了許多人,。,8,心情悶騷問題是到一定年紀,世界觀和思維形成定勢。在人家的土地,正常反應,請務必記得,這些容容總總的新經驗,不安的情緒波動,對陌生的恐懼,喜樂的瞬間轉變,-等等的感受,都是正常的,9,正常反應請務必記得9,東西差異,穿著打扮正式,隨便,食物飲食乳酪,喝湯,生活習慣守時,守法,價值觀念自我,中庸,語言模式敘事,含蓄,信仰禮儀招呼,送禮,種族關係歧視,包容,10,東西差異穿著打扮正式,隨便10,文化差異,東方,人事渾然,來龍去脈,模糊語境,喜歡用心,人際關係,歷史意識,中庸,含蓄,自我中心,情,理,法,西方,人事分別,語感直觀,寓意明確,喜歡用腦,工作關係,現代科技意識,直白,外露,自我實現,法,理,情,11,文化差異東方西方11,RespectResponsibilityHonestyInitiativeIntegrityPerseveranceCourageFairnessEmpathyOptimism,12,RespectResponsibilityHones,99 Ways To Say Very Good,1.SUPER GOOD!,2.Youve got it made.,3.SUPER!,4.Thats RIGHT.,5.Thats good.,6.Youre really working hard today.,7.You are very good at that.,8.Thats coming along nicely.,9.GOOD WORK!,10.Thats much better.,11.Im happy to see you working like that.,12.Exactly right.,13.Im proud of the way you worked today.,14.You are doing that much better today.,15.Youve just about got it.,16.Thats the best job youve ever done.,17.Youre doing a good job.,18.THATS IT!,19.Now youve figured it out.,20.Thats quite an improvement.,21.GREAT!,22.I knew you could do it.,23.Congratulations!,24.Youre making real progress.,25.Keep working on it.Youre improving.,26.Now you have it!,27.You are learning fast.,28.EXTRAORDINARY!,29.Couldnt have done it better myself.,13,99 Ways To Say Very Good1.SU,99 Ways To Say Very Good,30.You are a joy.,31.One more time and you have it.,32.You really make my job fun.,33.Thats the right way to do it.,34.Youre getting better every day.,35.You did it that time.,36.Youre on the right track.,37.Nice going.,38.You havent missed a thing.,39.WOW!,40.Thats the right way.,41.Keep up the good work.,42.TERRIFIC!,43.Nothing can stop you now.,44.Thats the way to do it.,45.SENSATIONAL!,46.Youve got your brain in gear.,47.Thats better.,48.That was first class work.,49.EXCELLENT!,50.Thats the best ever.,51.Youve just about mastered that.,52.PERFECT!,53.Thats better than ever.,54.Much better!,55.WONDERFUL!,56.You must have been practicing.,57.You did that very well.,58.FINE!,59.Nice going.,60.Youre really going to town.,61.OUTSTANDING!,14,99 Ways To Say Very Good30.Y,99 Ways To Say Very Good,62.FANTASTIC!,63.TREMENDOUS!,64.Thats how to handle it!,65.Now thats what I call a fine job.,66.Thats great.,67.Right on!,68.Youre really improving.,69.Youre doing beautifully.,70.Superb!,71.Good remembering!,72.Youve got that down pat.,73.You certainly did well today.,74.Keep it up!,75.Congratulations-you did it!,76.You did a lot of work today.,77.Well,look at you go!,78.Thats it!,79.Im very proud of you.,80.MARVELOUS!,81.I like that.,82.Way to go!,83.Now you have the hang of it.,84.Youre doing fine.,85.Good thinking.,86.You are really learning a lot.,87.Good going.,88.Ive never seen anyone do it better.,89.Keep on trying!,90.You outdid yourself today.,91.Good for you!,92.I think youve got it now.,93.Thats wonderful!,94.Good job.,95.You figured that out fast.,96.You remembered!,97.Thats really nice.,98.That kind of work makes me happy.,99.Its such a pleasure to work with you.,15,99 Ways To Say Very Good62.F,職場文化,每一個職場,公司,組織,都有自己的微文化,價值理念,行事風格,非條文規定,16,職場文化每一個職場,公司,組織,都有自己的微文化16,知己知彼,了解自己,了解自己的文化傳承,了解所去國度的地理環境,人文歷史,生活習俗,17,知己知彼了解自己17,做好準備,正向的生活,工作態度和思考,預期情況,準備多問,加強語言溝通能力,專業之外加點史地文學,不要求全,但要每天做,實務考量,工作證,勞健保險,稅則,個人醫療紀錄,等要注意到,18,做好準備正向的生活,工作態度和思考18,入境隨俗,最佳安全守則就是入境隨俗,觀察當地人和老鳥場合言行,並自問自己會怎麼做,膽大心細,據理力爭,不用大叫大吼,19,入境隨俗最佳安全守則就是入境隨俗19,壓力管理,飲食睡眠工作運動要平衡,保持親友聯繫,找到並參與當地華人的 support group 互助團體,沮喪的話,找當地的心理諮商輔導,說出心裏的話,說出自己的感覺,別積壓到精神分裂,20,壓力管理飲食睡眠工作運動要平衡20,適應過程,21,適應過程21,SMILE,顧雄,I smile when I dont understand the words that people say to me.My smile is like an innocent babys.,I smile when people yell at me.I don understand why they do this.My smile is like a babys cry.,I smile when I serve people.Sometimes it is the only way for me to communicate with others.,I smile to give warmth to people and hope they will return it.,I smile when people help me.I understand how important it is to take my first step and then walk independently.,I smile when I am tired.I see what I have earned from the hard work that I have done.,I smile when I can finally listen and speak.The more I smile,the more pe




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