EXHIBIT,Normal text,Bullet,En dash,Dot,.Double dot,*,Unit of measure,*,Footnote,Source:Sources,Message,Business Plan Tool Kit,Business Plan Tool Kit,Contents,What is a Business Plan,Writing a Business Plan,Business Plan sample(to be complemented later),1,Contents1,Definition of a business plan,The role of a,business plan in new business development process,The significance of a business idea,Developing a business idea,Elements of a promising business idea,Prioritizing a business idea,Protecting your business idea,What is a Business Plan,2,What is a Business Plan,Definition of a business,plan,A business plan must have a detailed plan for the following eight factors;,1),Product/Service,2),Market and Competition,3),Marketing,4),Business System,5)Organization and HR,6),Opportunities and Risks,7,),Implementation Schedule,8),Financial Planning,What is a business plan,Developing a business idea(idea which can make money)into a detailed plan that can be implemented,3,Definition of a business plan,Role of a business plan in new business development process,New business,promotion stage,Methodology,Internal support organization,Online Idea DB,Intangible Workshop,Benchmarking/,Megatrend Analysis,Business Plan Competition,Stage 1,Stage 2,Stage 3,Idea Generation,Business plan write-up,Implementation and growth,Idea Generation Management Team,Business Plan Development Team,Investment Committee,Venture Team(TFT),What is a business plan,A business plan can be defined as the intermediary stage before a business idea can actually be implemented as a new business,4,Role of a business plan in ne,Significance of a business idea,There are many different ways to generate a business idea.The following are recommendations to come up with well-organized business ideas-best if implemented at the same time,Intangible Workshop:Hold workshops to generate ideas to facilitate company intangibles,as the significance of intangibles continue to grow under the new economy,Benchmarking/Megatrend Analysis:Study megatrends of other industries to generate ideas or,conduct benchmarking analysis,Online Idea DB:Make an idea DB online to enable review/posting of ideas as a way to help develop business ideas,Business Plan Competition:Hold business plan competitions to generate business ideas,What is a business plan,No business idea,no business plan No business plan,no business,A business idea is the start of a business establishment.You must have many creative ideas which can be transformed into a business in order to create value,Developing a business idea,5,Significance of a business i,Elements of a promising business idea,The key to success in the marketplace is satisfied customers,not great products.,(,ex)“Our new device can perform,200,operations per minute,.”(,X),“Our new device has,25%,fewer parts,.”(,X),“Our new device will save the customer a quarter of the time,.”(,O),Make value propositions to the customer,Present customers with unique values.,Clear customer value,Market of adequate size,Feasibility and profitability,Sufficient degree of innovation,1,2,4,3,What is a business plan,Clear Customer Value,Who will buy your product/service?,Why should the customer buy the product,?(,What needs does your product fulfill that the competitor products cannot,?),What is most unique about your business idea?,Key Questions,6,Elements of a promising busin,Does the market you plan to target with your products/services have adequate size,(,no precise analysis needed,statistics or estimates can be used,),Know who your competitors are.,Clear customer value,Market of adequate size,Sufficient degree of innovation,1,2,4,3,What is a business plan,Market of adequate size,Feasibility and profitability,What is the market size,?,Is the market growing,?,What is your target market and market share,?,Who are your competitors,?,What are your strengths/weaknesses compare to your competitors,?,Key Questions,7,Does the market you plan to t,A business idea should have the following four elements according to product/service type and business system,-Must specify where innovation is taking place,New product,(,Microsoft),New industry,(,Netscape),Existing industry,New business system,(,Dell),Business System,Convention,Innovation,Product,/,service,Convention,Innovation,Clear customer value,Market of adequate size,Sufficient degree of innovation,1,2,4,3,Feasibility and profitability,Sufficient degree of innovation,What is a business plan,How is your product/service innovative?,How is your business system innovative,?,Key Questions,8,A business idea should have t,Consider feasibility,(,legal constraints,time/resource limits,etc,),Calculate overall profitability,(,simple,cash flow,etc,),Clear customer value,Market of adequate size,Sufficient degree of innovation,1,2,4,3,Feasibility and profitability,Feasibility and Profitability,What is a business plan,What are the constraints in implementing your business idea?,Why are other people not implementing this kind of business idea?,What