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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,五人制足球运动发展概况,The development of Futsal,王景东,Wang Jingdong,起 源,Derivation,1930,年,在乌拉圭胡安,卡,罗斯,切里安尼为基督教青年会,的年轻人发明了五人制足球比,赛。,Montevideo,Uruguay,in 1930 created the futsal competition for,YMCAs,.,1932,年,乌拉圭人罗,杰,格瑞恩制定了第一部室,内足球规则,这被认为是,室内足球作为一项运动的,起源。,Lojie.Grien,Urguay,in 1932 compiled the book of rules for indoor football and it also considered as the derivation of the indoor football.,室内足球的最初发展,Original development of indoor football,室内足球联赛首先于,1948,年在巴西立,足,然后扩展到南美洲、北美洲、欧洲、,大洋洲、澳大利亚等地区,这些地区每年,都举办联赛。,In 1948,first indoor football league was established in Brazil and spread across the regions like South America,North America,Europe,Oceania and Australia etc.,The league game is played in these area every year.,国际赛事的发展,Development of International Competitions,1965,年举办了第一次室内五人制足球国际赛事,巴拉圭队获得南美杯赛的冠军。,The first international futsal game was held in 1965 and the Paraguay won the champion.,1980,年,泛美洲杯赛开始举办,巴西队获得了,1980,、,1984,两届比赛的冠军。,此后巴西一直垄断着南美国家锦标赛的冠军,直到,2003,年才被阿根廷队打破纪录。,The Brazilian team monopolized the champions of South American tournament since then untill the year of 2003 when Argentina finally broke their records.,1971,年,第一个国际性的室内足球,协会,The International Federation,for,Futebol,de,Sala,(,室内足球国际联,合会,FIFUSA),在巴西成立,第一届,FIFUSA,世界锦标赛是在圣保罗市举办,的,东道主获得冠军。,In 1971,the first international futsal association(The International Federation for Futebol de Sala)was established in Brazil.The First FIFUSA world championship tournament was held in the city of st.Paul and the host team won the champion.,室内足球协会的成立,国际足联的进入,The entry of FIFA,1986,年,国际足联专门成立了一个,特别小组以制定统一的室内足球竞赛规,则。,In 1986,FIFA constituted a special group maily for making a consistent rules for indoor football.,直到,1989,年,才在大多数国家的同,意下,由国际足联把所有的五人制足球,形式和室内足球形式结合起来,取名为,FUTSAL,。,Until the year of 1989,under the agreement by most of the countries,the FIFA mixed the all forms of 5-a-side football and indoor football.Its therefore being called the Futsal.,世界锦标赛的建立,International Tournament,1989,年,,FIFUSA,的全部协会加入到,了,FIFA,当中,,1989,年,第一届,FIFA,室内,足球世界锦标赛在荷兰开赛。以后每四,年举办一届,至,2008,年分别在中国香港、,西班牙、危地马拉、中国台北、巴西共,举行六届。巴西与西班牙分别夺得,4,次和,2,次冠军。,In 1989,all the members association of FIFUSA joined into FIFA.At the same year,the,first FIFA Indoor Soccer World Championship is hosted in,Netherlands,.Since then,the FIFA Indoor Soccer World Championship hold in every four years.There were six countries successfully hosted the FISWC such as Chinese Hongkong,Spain,Guatemala,Chinese Taipei and Brazil.Brazil and Spain has won the champions for 4 times and 2 times respectively.,欧洲发展概况,欧足联组织的室内足球赛最早是,1996,年,西班牙队在本土的科尔多巴举行的第一,届欧洲锦标赛中冠军。,2001,年欧足联成立了官方的欧洲俱乐部,室内赛事,UEFA FUSTAL CUP,获得各国,联赛或者杯赛冠军的球队将获得该项比赛的,参赛权。,U EFA organized the indoor football tournment in 1996 for the first time and the Spanish team has won the champion.,Fustal game was also offically established by UEFA in 2001 and it was been named the UEFA FUSTAL CUP.The champions team of each country from their own league or tournament can have the qualification to join UFC.,亚洲发展概况,Futsal in Asia,1999,年以来,每年举办一届亚洲室内,足球锦标赛,伊朗队、日本队在亚洲所,向披靡。,亚足联也在,2005,年通过决议,每年举,办一次室内足球亚洲杯赛。,05,年亚奥理,事会成功举办了第一届室内运动会,室,内足球作为其中比赛项目之一。,Since 1999,the Asia Indoor Football Tournament was played annually.Iran and Japan dominance in competition.,In 2005,AFC passed the proposal for conducting the Asia Futsal Tournament every year.The Asia Olympics council successfully hosted the first Indoor Game and the Futsal is one of them.,中国发展概况,Futsal in China,在亚洲伊朗、日本之后,中国也在,2003,年正式,推出了以实现职业化为目标的室内足球联赛。,中国足协从,03,年开始设立大连、武汉、北京、,成都、广州、上海个比赛试点城市,并组织首届,全国联赛。,全国首届室内足球联赛共有大连实德、武汉地,龙、成都莱美药业、广州果王、北京华亚飞鹰及上,海九城共支球队参加。,After the Iran and Japan,China officially started the Indoor Football Tournament.,CFA selected 6 cities in 2003 for conduting the tournament such as Dalian,Wuhan,Beijing,Chengdu,Guangzhou,and Shanghai.The first national league was also played in 2003 organized by CFA.,There are 6 teams joined and played in the first national futsal league such as Dalian Shi De,Wuhan Di Long,Chengdu Laimei,Guangzhou Guowang,Beijing Hua Ya Fei Ying and Shanghai Jiucheng.,2005,年,室内足球被中国国家体委立项为正式的竞技项目。,2007,年,室内足球被中国体育总局立为全国体育大会的正式项目,并于,2009,年进行预赛,在,2010,年的全国体育大会上进行正式比赛。,In 2005,Indoor Football was officially established as one of the competition activity by China National Sport Committee.,In 2007,Indoor Football was established as one of the competition activity for National Game by China Sport Bureau.In 2009.,中国室内足球的发展与进步,经过几年联赛的洗礼,,2008,年,5,月,1118,日,在泰国曼谷举行的第,十届亚洲室内足球锦标赛上,中国,队取得了第四名的不俗战绩,从而,代表亚洲参加,2008,年举行的室内足,球世界杯的决赛阶段。,国内联赛的发展,2008,年室内足球世界杯比赛结束后,中国足球,协会为了更好的推动室内足球在中国的开展,在原,有基础上增加了,2,支队伍参加全国联赛,指定北京市、,上海市、武汉市、成都市、大连市、湖北省、广东,省、河南省八个会员协会各选出一支俱乐部(运动,队)参加,20082009,年度室内足球甲级联赛,八支,参赛队伍为:北京工业大学、上海徐房足球俱乐部、,武汉地龙足球俱乐部、成都电子科技大学、大连安,鑫地产、湖北三峡大学、广州体育学院、河南建业,足球俱乐部。,国内业余室内足球的开展,2008,年,3,月,29,日,4,月,2,日,全国首届五人,制足球业余联赛总决赛在西安市长安大学体,育馆举行,全国共有十二支球队参加。经过,激烈角逐,最后武汉华创获得冠军。,大学生室内足球的发展,中国大学生五人制足球联赛(简称“大,五赛”),是由中国大学生体育协会主办,北,京李宁体育用品公司冠名赞助的全国大学生,足球顶级赛事。在已经举办的五届比赛中,,参与学校达,1000,余所,现场观众超过,40,万人。




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