Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,ACTIVE LEARNING,Franoise Allen and Alexis Taylor,From:Learning to Teach in the Secondary School 5th edition,Routledge 2021,UNIT,5.2,At the end of this unit you should be able to:,explain the term active learning and discuss the advantages of active learning to the teacher and the learner,be aware of ways of promoting active learning,consider the use of resources to support active learning in your lessons.,From:Learning to Teach in the Secondary School 5th edition,Routledge 2021,OBJECTIVES,CONTENT(1),Case studies:two pupils learning mathematics,What is active learning?,Active learning and motivation,Learning habits,Active learning,discovery learning and rote learning,From:Learning to Teach in the Secondary School 5th edition,Routledge 2021,Aids to recall,Use of tables,diagrams,flow charts or other visual models,Construct summaries,Do,review,learn,apply,Spider diagrams and concept maps,DART and active learning,Giving instructions,Listening to the teacher,Characterising events,Interrogating books or websites or reading for meaning,Getting an overview,Reformulating ideas,Reporting back,From:Learning to Teach in the Secondary School 5th edition,Routledge 2021,CONTENT(2),Lesson planning for active learning,Communicating with pupils:visual aids,A multisensory classroom experience,A picture,a poster,an object,an overhead projector transparency,a PowerPoint presentation or an interactive whiteboard,From:Learning to Teach in the Secondary School 5th edition,Routledge 2021,CONTENT(3),To explore this material further,read:,Allen,F.and Taylor,A.(2021)Active learning,in S.Capel,M.Leask and T.Turner(eds)Learning to Teach in the Secondary School:A Companion to School Experience,5th edn,London:Routledge.,From:Learning to Teach in the Secondary School 5th edition,Routledge 2021,FURTHER INFORMATION,Muijs,D.and Reynolds,D.(2005),Effective Teaching:Evidence and Practice,2nd edn,London:Paul Chapman,Watkins,C.,Carnell,E.and Lodge,C.(2007),Effective Learning in Classrooms,London:Paul Chapman,From:Learning to Teach in the Secondary School 5th edition,Routledge 2021,FURTHER READING,