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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2012-9-15,#,The Great Translator and Scholar,Lin Yutang,Lin Yutang was born in Longxi City in Fujian Province on 10,th,October in 1895 and died in 1976.He is a famous scholar,literator,and linguist.,The Whole Life Of LYT,Lin Yutang was the next to last of twelve children of a Chinese Presbyterian minister in a small town in the mountains,sixty miles inland from Amoy.He was educated in English at St Johns in Shanghai.He studied at Tsinghua University from 1916 to 1919,during which time he encountered his Chinese heritage at its most concentrated.,In 1919,at the age of 23,Lin Yutang received a half-scholarship to attend Harvard.,He was married at the time and moved with his wife to the United States.At Harvard he received his Masters degree in comparative literature studying under literary scholar Bliss Perry and humanist Irving Babbitt.After Harvard Lin moved to France to work at the YMCA,and from there he went on to the University of Jena in Leipzig,Germany,where he completed his doctorate in linguistics.Lin returned to China to teach for 13 years.He was a professor of English literature at the University of Beijing from 1923-1926,and served as Dean at Amoy University in 1926.,From the summer of 1927,he devoted himself to writing for the popular press and editing three literary fortnightlies in Shanghai between 1929 and 1935.Nobel Prize winner Pearl Buck encouraged him to write a book explaining China to the West.To do this,he retired to the mountains in the summer of 1934.What he brought back from the mountains was the publishing sensation My Country and My People(1935),which hit the top of the New York Times bestseller list.,Lin was called to Singapore in 1954 to be Chancellor of the newly founded but not yet operational Nanyang University.For political and other reasons it lasted only 6 months.,Lin and his wife moved in 1965 to Taiwan.In 1975 he was nominated for the Nobel Prize for Literature,which to his regret he did not win.He died in Hong Kong on March 25,1976.,Lin and his wife.,Lin and his family,Lin was a prolific writer.During his life his wrote almost 40 books.,Some of his great translation works:,冥寥子游,不亦快哉,东坡诗文选,幽梦影,板桥家书,老子的智慧,浮生六记,Some of his famous fictions:,瞬息京华,(,Moment in Peking,),又名,京华烟云,风声鹤唳,A Leaf in the Storm,赖柏英,朱门,The Vermillion Gate,啼笑皆非,Between Tears and Laughter,唐人街家庭,逃向自由城,红牡丹,Some of his great proses:,人生的盛宴,吾国与吾民,“My Country and My People”,,又名,中 国人,剪拂集,,,1928年,,,上海北新书局,欧风美语,,,1933年,生活的艺术,The Importance of Living,,,1937年,孔子的智慧,The Wisdom of Confucius,,,1938年,新生的中国,,,1939年,,林氏出版社,俚语集,,,1940年,,上海朔风书店,锦秀集,,,1941年,,上海朔风书店,中国圣人,,,1941,年,上海朔风书店,语堂文存,,,1941,年,林氏出版社,爱与刺,,,1941,年,明日出版社,文人画像,,,1947年,,上海金屋书店,丑奴儿,林语堂 译,少年不识愁滋味,,In my young days,I had only tasted gladness,爱上层楼,更上层楼,,But loved to mount the top floor,But loved to mount,the top floor,为赋新词强说愁。,To write a song pretending sadness.,如今识尽愁滋味,,And now Ive tasted,sorrows flavors,bitter and sour,欲语还休,欲语还休,,And cant find a word,And cant find a word,却道天凉好个秋。,But merely say,“What a golden autumn hour,!,”,兰亭集序,Selection of Lins translation of,the Preface to the Orchid Pavilion Collection,It is such a wonderful day,with fresh air and mild breeze.Facing upwards to the blue sky,we behold the vast immensity of the universe;when bowing our heads towards the ground,we again satisfy ourselves with the diversity of species.Thereby we can refresh our views and let free our souls,with luxuriant satisfaction done to both ears and eyes.How infinite the cheer is!,是日也,天朗气清,惠风和畅。仰观宇宙之大,俯察品类之盛。所以游目骋,(ch,ng),怀,足以极视听之娱,信可乐也。,




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